Monday, 24 September 2012

Out of Control

First presentation of new research project at the Design + Emotion Conference 2012 'Out of Control' in London: short paper titled Improving the emotional wellbeing of people with dementia.

The research examines strategies of providing specific sensory experiences for people living with dementia – focusing on Multi Sensory Environments (MSEs), their design, and current and future demanding role within homes caring for residents living with this condition.

Friday, 9 March 2012


From 8th March to 10th April 2012 Blurred Boundaries, an elusive multi media installation using projections onto layers of sheer textiles, is on show together with a selection of pictures called Light Patterns, which are generated through the merge of material and light, at flaxon ptootch in Kentish Town

The pictures and installation give an insight in my experimental work exploring the interaction of light, material and space, where the fusion of digital imagery and physical surface is a central theme. I am particularly interested in the visual ambiguities and the illusionary aspect created and how this influences our visual perception and the experience of space - blurring the boundaries between the real and the virtual. (All images © Anke Jakob)

The installation can be seen from the outside of the gallery during the dark hours.

Images from the opening night on 8th March.

The Salon

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

New website

My new website with images of my work is life now. Check it out: